Keep your brand safe online.

It's a wild, wild west out there, but we've got you covered.

Guiding you step by step up the rugged terrain that is Mt. Internet. This course covers everything to keep your brand safe online including Domain Names, Google, Backups, Email, Security, Content, Website, Trouble shooting and more. Do it at your own pace, as long as you need.

Course curriculum


  • Ailsa Page and  Fil Strati

    Marketing Sherpa and Technology Guru

    Ailsa Page and Fil Strati

    Alisa Page
    Known as the marketing dynamo Ailsa Page knows business and knows what it takes to be successful. With over 20 years’ experience in marketing, running her own businesses and helping other businesses improve their bottom line, Ailsa is regularly called upon by government and businesses for her expertise and is known for her infectious enthusiasm and for being the ‘city chick’ who understands marketing in regional and rural Australia.
    Fil Strati
    Fil has worked for over 10 years helping businesses manage their IT issues. He's the go-to on all things geek, and understands what's relevant for small to medium sized businesses. Bonus - He speaks Italian!

Learn the 10 things you need to do to protect your brand online!

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